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Haibao Lake: a Fairyland Hidden in Downtown
2023-12-07 18:51:04   
2023-12-07 18:51:04    來源:寧夏日報客戶端



  The best of Haibao Lake is that her presence seems no where to find, but everywhere to feel.



  Apparently you can see the sparkling waves, smell the moist soil, hear the chirping birds, however, you feel that  the lake appears to be more a soulmate standing by your side than a lake, an isolated expanse of water.



  If you are standing on the stone arch bridge, the lake is at your feet; if you are walking on the shaded path, the lake is in the adjacent; if you are sitting on the bench, the lake is on the opposite. Haibao Lake is like the oxygen in the air, the light under the sun, whose omnipresence supplies you with its naturalness, harmony, and unparalleled companionship.


  The secluded wooden path winds through Haibao Lake, leading right to the small pavilions; or leading to the large open space, Haibao Square.



  Perching on the railing are the black-headed gulls migrating from north, and fish are at ease, swimming in the lake. With weeds rustling, willow branches swaying,  the breeze over the lake blows away the lotus's sorrow.


  It is peaceful in Haibao Lake. Some couples are walking on the path, whispering to each other; the elderly are sitting on the bench, in a leisure; other joggers pass by you like a gentle wind.



  It is also lively in Haibao Lake. Chorus are singing, some artists are playing Chinese violin and saxophone. Their smile and echo of lyrical melodies are gradually absorbed in the lake.



  Haibao Lake endows the city with its serene beauty and humanly flavor.

  出品人:景 瑜

  策 劃:趙海虹

  監(jiān) 制:張國禮

  統(tǒng) 籌:王玉平

  編 導:鄒煒新 雍斌 張立 鐵志平

  執(zhí) 行:新消息報社

  出 品:寧夏日報報業(yè)集團




  本集視頻采制:韓勝利 閆玉靜 牛寶林 張嘉怡 喬新宇

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